When is an Appraisal Necessary?

Appraisals are used when property is sold or bought, or when people refinance their homes or other real estate they may own.  The appraisal helps all parties involved to know that the money involved accurately reflects the actual value of the property involved.  Aside from the normal real estate transactions that appraisals are used for there are other situations where they can be very useful. 

Property Tax Assessment Challenges

Many people open up their property tax assessment notices and wonder just how their local tax assessor could have come to the figure jumping off the page at them.  Many people choose to challenge these tax assessments.  When such a challenge is undertaken the value of an independent real estate assessment by a professional appraiser can provide strong support for why the tax figure is too high.  An appraiser’s report is an objective view that provides an unbiased value for property and the reasons for determining that value.  It is the kind of information that a court of revision or appeals board can be expected to take seriously. 


Thinking of Selling?

As people begin to think about selling their homes they also begin to ask questions about their property’s value.  What is their property currently worth?  Appraisers can give people who are just thinking about selling a good indication of what kind of sales price they can expect currently.  Are there simple or even significant changes that could be made to the property that would increase its value and profitability?  These are important factors to consider and determining what kind of real value is reflected in the property and any upgrades made to it is extremely important.  Is it worth it, for instance, to finish the basement and add a recreational room, or to add a half bathroom etc..?  An appraiser can be called upon to help answer these questions since they understand what factors add real value to a home. 

Estate Planning, Liquidation or Divorce

Life will present us all with difficult and challenging times.  When such times are complicated by the need to deal with significant real estate decisions the stress can be overwhelming.  In such situations appraisers can help.  They are able to provide a clear idea of the actual value of any real estate involved.  Knowing this value can make the settling of issues surrounding real estate simpler to deal with especially since those involved know that the value comes from an impartial and unbiased, as well as professional, source.

There are many situations where real estate appraisals may be of benefit to people.  Appraisers are always ready to meet the real estate needs of those in need of their services and make it their business to provide a clear picture of the market value of real estate.

Gone Green!

Urban Valley Appraisals (UVA) has been set up as a virtual office to create the lowest carbon footprint possible for running business. Unless requested by the client, all communication is digital including the delivery of appraisal reports.

Although UVA has a virtual office, at times it is necessary (and beneficial) to meet clients face to face to discuss difficult assignments and assess specific needs. We are available to meet at the client’s place of business or at a suitable alternate location.